Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Milton Joins Forces with Train With Corey in New Spring City Studio.


Mary Milton CMT
32 Wells Rd.
Spring City, PA 19475
Phone:  484-467-1055

Grand Opening of Mary Milton Massage in Spring City
Spring City, PA – July 19, 2010
Milton Joins Forces with Train With Corey in New Spring City Studio.
Mary Milton, Certified Massage Therapist, is pleased to announce that she has joined forces with Corey Dissin of Train with Corey in his new Spring City location, adding massage and reiki to the list of services offered.
Milton is a licensed massage therapist specializing in deep tissue and sports massage as well as holding a certification as a Level 1 Reiki Practitioner.
In addition, Milton is certified in Thai Massage, a style that involves stretching and deep massage. This form of bodywork is usually performed on the floor, and the client wears comfortable clothes that allow for movement.
“I am excited to be able to offer different modalities so that I can help people with many types of issues while using a style that they prefer,” states Milton.

Milton is excited to join the Train With Corey family. Owner, Personal Trainer, and Creator of Dissipline – Willpower Wear, Corey Dissin welcomes Mary Milton Massage to his quickly expanding personal training facility. He is thrilled to offer his clients the convenience of receiving massages by Mary within his center.
Mary Milton Massage invites you to her Open House on July 31st from 11:00am – 6:00pm at 32 Wells Rd, Spring City, PA 19547.  484-459-5454.
Come out to the Open House and enter to win a FREE 30 minute Massage by Mary!
To learn more Mary or her services please visit http://www.themassagebymary.com

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Great Web Design That Won't Put a Hole in Your Wallet...

When she gets a chance to help someone
She's really happy
If you trust her with your ill
She'll quickly make you see
She can fix things up for you
Just like she did for me

"Anna Lee the Healer"- The Beach Boys

As some of  you have noticed Rickywood.net has a new look.  I have Melle Palmer and 1079 Creative to thank for that. I cannot express  how easy it was to work with this top notch Canadian web design company. Melle was an absolute interpreter and mind reader when it came to what I wanted. Oh yeah, I was FLOORED at how inexpensive this was. AND how quickly (a couple of weeks tops) my site was up.
Read on...
1079 Creative is a design firm that continues to capture the essence of businesses and individuals from all walks of life.  The firm operates around the philosophy that ever idea, person and creation is unique and should be not only celebrated, but marketed based on its individuality and utter fantastic-ness!
Inspired by their clients, and driven by a deep desire to make the internet a beautiful place, 1079 has risen significantly in the world of design over the past few years, becoming recognized by design critics and mentors in their field.
logoOld fashioned philosophies still apply when you deal with this design firm.  The owner/head designer/director and master juggler, Melle Palmer has insisted from the day she presented her first logo, that amazing customer service, dedication, and the constant pursuit of perfection are keys to any businesses success, so you can certainly expect a positive experience when you hire a designer from this firm.
Located in Ontario Canada, 1079 has known no bounds with their clientele location.  Since their launch, the firm has reached far beyond their local market, gaining a large and constantly expanding customer base in the USA and UK.  They are always welcoming new clients and new projects, from all around the globe.
Melle Palmer

Melle Palmer

Monday, June 28, 2010

Patience, Play and Faith. Real Stress Reduction

You know,you know you are
Be still and know you are
Your life is meant for joy
It's all so deep within, oh

Your life is beautiful
A seed becomes a tree
A mountain into a sky
This life is meant to be, oh

"Be Still" - The Beach Boys

"I don't know about you, but when things aren't going my way I try everything in my arsenal of self help; mantras, books, meditations, and affirmations. Usually they work, when they don't I want to slam my forehead into my well used copy of the "The Secret." It doesn't occur to me that patience with myself is one of the most efficient paths to stress reduction that I know
I am one of those people that believes that coming up with solutions is better than complaining and whining any time. My problem is that I don't suffer well. I expect solutions to come instantaneously and the problem with that is I am really not listening.

God has a great way of answering questions, it is pretty simplistic. Yes, no, and wait. The last part is the toughest because it requires faith. Thinking positively is pretty useless without faith. My dog Angel has plenty of faith, she knows that when you say "treat" we're going to give her a little snack. She doesn't worry about what kind of snack or if it is a big enough snack. Me on the other hand, worries how many snacks, will I get enough snacks, and if they are organic. All that worrying has gotten me nowhere. My stepdaughter also has non-complicated tools for dealing with this type of stress, it is called play. Kids can find joy in staring at a bug, coloring a picture, or singing to themselves. In these moments Cassandra is the perfect picture of self-awareness and joy.

So for today, I think I will go have a snack and sing to myself ( I don't care if the snack is organic).

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Changing Your Mind Means Changing Your Life..

amy-butler.jpgA.P. Morris' article on living day by day from http://www.rickywood.net/mindbodyspirit.html
Mind Body & Spirit
Nurturing each aspect of the mind, body, and spirit is essential to attaining personal fulfillment and happiness. It is very important to give attention to each area to obtain optimal results. When one is neglected it can impact the other two and ultimately throw off the delicate balance. Lets look at each individually and briefly discuss its importance.
First, the mind is like a sponge and it will develop according to the type of thoughts, feelings, and emotions it is presented with each day. Therefore, It is important to feed it positively in every way. Think only happy thoughts. It sounds much easier than it is as I’m sure you know. Avoid self-defeating talk such as: I can’t, I’m not good enough, I’ve never done it so I can’t, why even try, etc. Most of us as children heard the story about the little engine that could, “I think I can, I think I can.” If you think you can, you can. It’s that simple. Try it for a day a see how much of a difference it can make. You’ll be surprised! Allow only positive thoughts and words. No complaining, gossiping or negative self-talk. If something slips out, correct it immediately i.e. – “These pants make me look big. Replace with something positive such as, Wow my hair looks nice today.” We are what we manifest, so focus on the positive and take one step at a time towards the things you’d like to change.
The second aspect of importance to our well-being is the health of our bodies. We have all experienced sickness. At those times it is almost impossible to have positive thoughts and feel spiritually connected. Even when we are not “sick,” if our bodies are not at their healthiest, we are not going to be at our best; therefore, adversely affecting our mind and spirit. We all know that exercise is very important, yet we find excuses to avoid it. You do have time; you just have to make it a priority. Proper nutrition is also a necessity. Unfortunately, in today’s world it is difficult to eat on the run and get the nutrients we need. Optimally, we should eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For most of us, we need to supplement for numerous reasons. After years of nutritional education, I found a company that provides organic, whole-food products that maintain their life force, which ultimately provides the best and most complete absorption of key nutrients. Learn more at www.GreenLifesaver.net.
Lastly, and definitely not least is the spirit. For a lot of people it can be the most difficult because it is not what we consider a tangible part of us. This is something that is very personal and many choose to broach this part of themselves in different ways. What I do feel is important is that we don’t confuse religion with spirituality. Organized religion cannot replace our own personal spirituality. We should also keep in mind that the complexities of our spirits cannot be fully encompassed in any one religion. This does not mean that taking part in a religion is not helpful to our spirits; just keep in mind not to restrict yourself. My personal belief is that we as humans are all connected spiritually regardless of race, class, or religious affiliation and that we should give to others freely. When you help another you are helping yourself. It all comes full circle. Read, listen, and pray whether it be to God, your greatest good, deceased loved ones or to whomever you feel most comfortable. Listen, appreciate the small things, and be kind. Be grateful for all that you are, all that you have, and all that you can and will do for others. We are all here so our spirits can experience, learn, and mature. It is a beautiful and sacred experience, treat it as such and enjoy every moment you have.
read more | digg story

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Probiotics and Immunity...

It is that time of year again! My work takes me all over the place. The East Coast humidity. The dust of the desert. The beach, family gatherings, and parties bring about a degree of weakened immunity. Unfortunately, during these times my body becomes more susceptible to becoming ill. To avoid colds, the flu, and viral infections, I use Probiotics ! A friendly flora blend of Probiotics is an all-natural, non-toxic product that helps your body deal with viral, bacterial, and fungal infections!

Frequency Foods Probiotics produce enzymes to break down waste in the colon for elimination and even help strengthen the immune system .

Probiotics have been shown to help reduce high cholesterol levels and recycle the female hormone estrogen , which reduces the likelihood of menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis.

It kills pathogenic viruses, which lead to colds and the flu. It is also a natural antibiotic, which kills the bad bacteria in your system without harming the ‘good guys.’ There are numerous other benefits to taking this product . The probiotic I use is Frequency Foods Probiotc Blend  http://www.greenlifesaver.net It is combined with an organic whole food source for optimal viability and absorption. Secondly, most probiotics supplements on the market are improperly freeze-dried so the good bacteria are actually killed before you even take the product. This version of Probiotics are preserved through a proprietary and specialized technique during processing to maintain the viability.

Avoid the doctor and toxic pharmaceutical prescriptions this year by taking Probiotics so you can enjoy this busy and exciting season! Learn more about Probiotics and many other exceptional products at www.GreenLifesaver.net.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Spirituality and Satan . Do We Need Both?

Amy Butler wrote an eye-opening post on the Devil and being Spiritual. She is definitely on to something...Fear is truly the enemy. How often has fear been my "devil"?

Thanks Amy you've given us much to talk and think about...
Thanks Amy for allowing me to pilfer your article

So.. although I would consider myself a very spiritual person… I’ve never been religious.
I was baptized in two different christian religions and made to attend church as a child - which was good.  I learned the bible teachings, different religious philosophies, and the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ aspects of religion. (which is a whole other post)
In a nutshell, I think religion can be a ‘good’ thing offering people peace, fellowship, and purpose.  But, for me, the ‘bad’ fear-based teachings that you must be ‘a good person’ or you will find yourself face to face with the DEVIL when you die was always a problem for me.mephistolover
Even as a young child it seemed backwards to teach love and acceptance for fear of hell.  Just never resonated with me.
So I chose as an adult to read about other religions and find what spirituality meant to me without participating in religion.  I found that unconditional love, acceptance, and non-judgment were the basics that made the most sense.  They feel good and right to me.
For me, I do believe that I have an obligation (mostly to myself and my evolvement) to strive to be a ‘good’ person.
Honesty, loyalty, unconditional acceptance, love, kindness, and giving are all words that I would hope one day would be words that those who knew me would use to describe who I was.
All of this I feel is important because of who I want to be not what I fear will happen to me if I do not.
I do not believe there is a separate entity named the ‘Devil’  although i do think the pain we may cause ourselves and others through unkind acts could be dark and painful, which could describe the despair we may feel.
I receive a daily email from Abraham-Hicks Publications.  They are excerpts from their teachings.  I was moved to share this as it seemed to sum up my underlying disbelief in a devil.

The “devil” is a fictional character made up (and perpetuated) by insecure humans who want to control other insecure humans. There’s a lot of power in fear, isn’t there? There shouldn’t be, because, really, what fear is, is power-less. If you understood Source, as we do, you would never fashion such fiction because there is only Well-Being that flows from that which is your Source.
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 6th, 2004
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther
I found this very powerful.
I also was moved to look at fear as something that i do to myself to take my own power away.
Wow…. it takes one sentence to change a perspective.  It can be said a hundred different ways but maybe only one really makes it clear.  Writing is a beautiful thing.
Wishing you a wonderful day!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Deepak Chopra's take on Fox News

fox__friendsI spend a lot of time watching the news. Probably too much. I watch CNN,MSNBC,and FOX. Lately my opinion about FOX has changed. When I first began to watch I was impressed by the coverage of the troops during the war and rallied behind their support for the soldiers and their families. Being more of a independent, I understood the importance of having a network that would cover the more conservative slant of the election.

But now, I'm not so sure. With the addition of Glenn Beck and the hiatus of Alan Colmes , things aren't so" fair and balanced". There seems to be a lot of fear being broadcasted. That somehow all of us are about lose everything. At some point shouldn't we be focused on what we want instead of what we don't want?

Some of you may love the following article and some of you may hate it. I do think that Deepak Chopra's blogpost gives us pause to think and that is important. Tell the world what you think. Its important ......

From Deepak Chopra.com-

deepakIt’s mysterious how swiftly a society can collectively change its mind. As rapidly as the financial markets crashed, so has Fox News’s credibility. What was gospel to an entire segment of voters and viewers just a few months ago has become a desperate flapping in the wind. Some may view this as part of the swing cycle that politics is heir to. But from the Reagan era forward, certain truths were held to be self-evident, and far from inventing anything, Fox News simply put the high gloss of mass media on them.

If you tune in to Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, or the network’s humbler toilers in the vineyard, their tactics haven’t changed. They must be shocked to find themselves stranded, all the more because it seemed to happen overnight.

In the spirit of Emerson’s dictum that evil is the absence of good, it’s worth recalling where good was absent just a year ago. Here are the working beliefs of the Fox News credo.deepak

Article 1: The worst aspects of human nature are actually cherished freedoms.
This is Fox News’s main rallying cry. Hating minorities, despising gays, ridiculing women’s rights, and slandering the ACLU all fall under the rubric of precious liberties.

Article 2: God loves gun owners.
Fox News rabidly seizes the high ground when it comes to law and order, an issue that is seen primarily as a loaded gun under every pillow and a triple-bolted front door.

Article 3: Patriotism is the last refuge of ratings wars.
Here the old axiom that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels has been updated (but by no means abandoned). Every Fox News commentator earns his battle scars by wrapping himself in the bloody flag, without ever personally endangering his own skin, of course.

Article 4: Ideology is way better than thinking.
Pre-chewed ideas are more easily digested than actual thinking. But ideology goes one better by answering every doubt in advance. Thus Fox News is never in doubt. Truth is as automatic as a gum ball machine.

Article 5: The mind’s primary use is for bellowing.
I advise any prospective guest on Fox News to demand that there be no shouting. This immediately decouples the mind of O’Reilly and Hannity. Their most basic assumption is that any guest, once shouted down, has lost the debate. (I tested this gambit out personally and can vouch for its effectiveness.)

Article 6: Shamelessness is next to godliness.
In other words, you can sin at leisure as long as you keep pointing out other people’s sins. Long a tactic enshrined in the Book of Hypocrisy, Fox News has turned holier-than-thou into a moneymaker.

Article 7: Don’t bother me with the facts. My mind is already closed.
This is really just a corollary to the belief in ideology, but it deserves its own chapter and verse because of the ironical light it casts on the Fox News logo, “Fair and balanced.”

Article 8: The little guy is always mad.
On the whole, Fox News tries to make the little guy feel that he is always right and those pointy-headed educated elitists always wrong. But sometimes the little guy proves tricky, as when he doesn’t like Republican deficits and foreign wars. Luckily, Fox News always has a fallback — the little guy is always blistered about something, and a little kerosene is a marvelous accelerant, as they say in arson investigations.

Article 9: “They” are about to get you — watch out!
The bulk of Fox News’s sanctimony rests on its pledge to look out for everyday working Joes. Since there is no record of the network actually protecting something realistic like clean air, freedom from assault weapons, and safety in the workplace, what is really being safeguarded is the right to be freaking paranoid every minute of the day.

Article 10: If I just said it, it must be right.
Here, as in several other places, Fox News is indistinguishable from a drunken frat party where not only is bellowing a sign of intelligence, but never backing down, however cockeyed your last statement may be, shows that you are a man.

I am not a communicant in this particular creed, so I’m sure I’ve left out some key passages in the gospel. For full knowledge one would have to delve deep into the Old Testament of Fox News (i.e., the minutes of the John Birch Society 1958-date). Daily viewing will keep one abreast of new anathemas (i.e., socialism) and potential saviors (Sarah Palin). Or you could take the easy way out and celebrate the waning of Fox News’s belief system and the cleaner air left behind.

New Book on The Afterlife. "They're Not Gone"

"It's like I'm sailing on the oceanZauriel
Every time I see your eyes
You could be the wind that keeps me floating
I could be in heaven for all I know
Heaven's a place for me to go
No one ever could have told me how
No one ever could have told me how
Heaven could be here on earth"

"Heaven" -Carl Wilson

Praise is something we all want and at the same time feel uncomfortable receiving. I recently was given praise in its highest form.
A book.
About the work I do.
I'm honored....
Author Sharing Hope for the Holidays with New Book titled They’re Not Gone.

Phoenixville, PA – November 10, 2009 – Author,  A.P. Morris, is releasing a non-fiction book, They’re Not Gone, to coincide with the holiday season.

cover_blogThey’re Not Gone shares stories of 13 people whose loved ones passed away and their eventual ‘reconnection’ through the assistance of local Psychic Medium, Ricky Wood. Each story contains ‘evidence’ that their spirits are still very much alive.  Wood delivers specifics from names and dates to mannerisms and jokes to verify the spirit who is communicating.
“I wanted to share my story to give others hope, especially during the holiday season when missing them can be even more difficult.  I am now 100% positive that our loved ones don’t vanish with death, they are still very much alive,” Morris said.
A.P. Morris’s story in the book tells of the loss of her brother to suicide when she was just 16 years old.  After hearing from him through Psychic medium Ricky Wood, her life was transformed. Ricky Wood referred to a nickname of her brother’s that she had never told a soul about, allowing her to know definitively that he was still ‘alive.’
“I spent so many holiday seasons sad and depressed because I missed my brother so desperately.  If I’d only known that he wasn’t just gone, I think it may have been a whole lot easier for me,” A.P. Morris, author, said.
Each story offers a different type of love, loss, and lesson. Whether you’ve lost a child, spouse, parent, or great friend, there is a relationship that everyone can relate with.  Following each story, there is a question and answer section where the reader gets to learn more about Ricky’s beliefs based on his years of experience working as a Psychic Medium.
“I’m very excited to have the opportunity to share some amazing true life stories.  The information contained in this book could change so many people’s lives.  I know – it changed mine,” Morris said.amy bw
A.P. Morris feels that it was easier for her to believe in the continued existence of our spirits after she received ‘proof.’  Her hope is that by sharing these stories it will bring peace to many people’s lives, especially during this holiday season.
On December 2, 2009 you can purchase a copy of the book “They’re Not Gone,” for just $16.95 by visiting www.Amazon.com or www.theyrenotgone.com .
Meet the Author – at the Holiday Bazaar at Phoenixville Middle School (hosted by the National Junior Honor Society) on Saturday December 12, 2009 from 10am – 3pm.
*A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a non-profit organization Urban Compass located in Southern California.  Urban Compass was formed in partnership with local schools to combat poverty and violence and make a difference in children’s lives by providing tutoring support, enrichment activities, and field trips to keep the children engaged in a positive learning experience and off the streets.
To learn more or donate directly you can go to www.urbancompass.org*
If you wish to contact A.P. Morris, you can email her at info@theyrenotgone.com.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Candace Downing. Grieving the Loss of A Child.

If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I'd be without you

"God Only Knows" -The Beach Boys

The following is from the A.P.Morris site "They're Not Gone" . This is probably one of the most important sessions in my fifteen year history as a medium. Thank you Candace for the hope you bring everyday.
Grieving the death of a child is by far the worst pain a parent can feel. How can it NOT be? A parent’s first instinct is to protect their children.
Dealing with grief from losing a child can seem near impossible and for many, believing in an afterlife is the only thing that can help at all. It won’t take the pain away but for fleeting moments, knowing that their angel is in fact safe and happy, can provide small windows of peace.
Mathy Downing is a parent who has had to survive the unsurvivable — losing a child. At the tender age of 12 years old, her daughter Candace passed away. The most crippling and horrific part was that it could have been avoided.
For most of us growing up, we watched our parents put their trust in doctors. At that time, medications were more of a last resort for any problem or illness. Unfortunately, in the current times, pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed at an astronomical rate.
Sadly, Candace’s life was unfairly taken from her because she was a causality of this epidemic.

( “They’re Not Gone”, excerpt from Chapter 13 –An Angel Like No Other, pg. 194)

( excerpt of Mathy speaking to Psychic Medium, Ricky Wood about her daughter Candace )
“You’re right,” Mathy responded sadly. “She was not depressed, she was put on anti-depressants not for depression, but for anxiety, and she did take her own life.” Mathy already knew unequivocally that Candace was not depressed and that the drugs she was prescribed caused it. At that moment she felt understood watching Ricky’s reaction. After a roller coaster ride of medications, Candace met an untimely death.
Although Mathy already believed in the afterlife and our own innate ability to receive messages from our loved ones, Mathy was comforted by Ricky Wood’s ability to understand the absolute devastation that she felt. She was also amazed by his ability to ’see’ her at a future event and provide advice.

( “They’re Not Gone”, excerpt from Chapter 13 –An Angel Like No Other, pg. 195)
“Mathy,” Ricky continued, “I see you standing at a podium in front of hundreds of people. BE STRONG. You have to be strong because they want to see your tears.” Ricky continued adamantly, “You have got to be strong. You can’t cry in front of them because that is what they want to see.” Six months later, Mathy was standing at a podium in front of hundreds of people addressing the FDA. She stood tall and strong telling them,  on“I am not impressed with you sitting back in your ivory towers passing judgment on our children, and our children’s blood is your hands.” She did not cry. This statement was replayed in the New York Times, World News Tonight, Fox, MSNBC, and the Today Show. Even at a medical conference, the head speaker quoted her in discussing the corruption of the drug industry in marketing drugs, over medication in our society, and how they are being used to make a buck

Mathy Downing and her family continue to tirelessly advocate for parents and children’s rights to be informed of the potential tragic side effects of medicating children. Their strength and determination will save countless lives– sparing others the unthinkable grief from losing a child .
The death of a child is unfair, excruciatingly painful, and will probably never completely leave you. But my hope is that you will find some peace knowing that the love you and your child share will never die. It can’t. Your child is a spirit who is still with you today.
They’re Not Gone.
Wishing You Love & Peace,
A.P. Morris    you can learn more on Candace's story here

"Dissipline" makes its Debut.

"Don't back down
You gotta be a little nuts
Don't back down
But show 'em now who's got guts
Don't back down
Don't back down from that wave"

Don't Back Down"-The Beach Boys

The gentleman in the photo would probably use lyrics from a band named "Metallic Flaming Gophers from Hell" but it's my blog so bite me.....

What Corey Dissin does well is motivate.

There are many people who set out to achieve a goal but many find an excuse why not to do something. Corey usually finds a way.... he does not back down. From having a full time day job to running his personal training center "Train with Corey" to being a little league coach- He does it with a smile on his face. He has launched a new clothing line called "DISSIPLINE" , fusing his last name with disipline was a great idea. I wish him luck but he doesn't need it. He's got plenty of "dissipline"...

So impress your friends. Piss off your mother in law and buy her one for Mother's Day. Wear it to church. Here's where to order - http://www.dissipline.com

Paoli Welcomes The Wood Massott Holistic Center


Wood Joins Forces with Geri Massott, CMT, CHT, RM in Berwyn Office

Rick Wood, Intuitive Medium and life coach, is pleased to announce that he has joined forces with Geri Massott, CMT, CHT, RM in his Berwyn location, adding hypnotherapy, massage, and reiki to the list of services offered at the new Wood Massott Holistic Center in Berwyn.

The Wood Massott Holistic Center was developed on the foundation that healing may occur through many different forms.

Spiritual growth is a unique and complex journey for each one of us. Along the road of discovering a soul’s purpose, there may be a few bumps that leave you feeling overwhelmed and in need of a bit of guidance. The goal of the Wood-Massott Holistic Center is to offer an environment that provides assistance in unlocking your own innate healing intelligence.

As the world continues to open up to the alternative realm of healing, that has always existed but was not as readily available to the main stream. The Wood-Massott Holistic Center is grateful to be able to provide an array of services, classes, and guest healers that we hope may assist along the journey of self discovery.

Massott has been a licensed massage therapist and angelic reiki practitioner for the past 6 years, leaving the corporate office world to focus on work that promotes healing.

Geri's Various massage including Stone Massage/Maternity Massage/Deep Tissue/Reflexology/Lymphatic Drainage
also introducing "Vibratory Cranio Sacral Massage" an energetically enhanced
light-touch manual approach that enhances the body’s natural healing capabilities

Wood has been offering his services professionally for over 15 years. His services include mediumship, Intuitive readings, life coaching, Entity Release, Intuitive Reiki, and both individual and couples coaching

Individual & Couples Coaching services are intended to offer an alternative to traditional counseling by exploring insights that might not be challenged in traditional settings. These services are ideal to supplement and enhance a current therapy program or breathe fresh air into a program that isn't going anywhere.

“We Agree To Always Honor All Who Come to Us by Offering Our Assistance with Honesty & Integrity.” - Rick and Geri

Wood and Massott also work together on Entity Release and home clearings (removing unwanted energies from the home or person)

For more information please visit http://www.woodmassottholisticcenter.com